Enter and view: Croftwood Care Home
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Healthwatch Halton gather information on people’s experiences of health and social care services and there are times when it is appropriate for Healthwatch Halton to see and hear for themselves how services are being delivered: these visits are called ‘Enter and View’, they are not inspections.
Healthwatch Halton visited Croftwood Care Home on 08/08/2015.
The summary of findings highlighted areas in relation to patient feedback, staff feedback and observation. The findings informed the residents of Croftwood appeared to be happy and well cared for. The home environment appeared clean and uncluttered and staff were friendly warm and welcoming. Residents, family members and staff shared their views and experiences of the care provided which was predominantly very positive.
The report contains 3 recommendations which include engage with Healthwatch Halton when issues arise such as delays in medication or reluctance to review medication as highlighted in this report. Encourage staff members, residents and visitors to complete Healthwatch Halton feedback forms. Liaise with Warrington Hospital to look at any possible issues regarding discharge of residents, particularly at night.