Carer lanyard pilot in Kirklees

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Healthwatch Kirklees worked with local partner organisations and carers to develop a plan to produce and launch a lanyard for carers. The lanyard can be used across all health and care settings in Kirklees, along with a card which can be attached to the lanyard. The card can be used separately for those who want to identify themselves as carers more discretely. It was agreed that Kirklees would be used as a pilot area for the launch of the lanyard in hope that the pilot would be extended to other local areas across West Yorkshire and nationally. The initiative was launched during Carers Week 2022 (6 – 12 June), with Healthwatch Kirklees providing a ‘toolkit’ containing information for staff (Appendix 1), a poster to display and communication templates to help spread the word. This report summarises the progress of the scheme so far.

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Local Healthwatch
Healthwatch Kirklees
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