GP-Digest Report, North Tyneside
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This report was written to present to the Primary Care Quality Group. It aims to present the feedback received on a 6 monthly basis between 1 March to 31 August 2017.
Feedback was received from 140 people about GP surgeries. 120 people giving general feedback and 20 people through online feedback.
Key themes were; quality of service, staff attitude, availability of appointments and booking system, continuity of GP’s, surgery location and environment.
Overall the majority of people were happy with the GP service they were receiving. 26 people had positive experiences with the quality of care provided by their GP service. 15 people had negative experiences. 39 out of 50 people had positive experiences of engaging with GP staff. 11 people said they had experience poor staff attitude.
Half (35) people suggested they were happy with the current availability and booking system they used and half (35) describing significant barriers to accessing an appointment.
13 people discussed the continuity of their GP. 5 people suggested they were able to and were sometimes actively encouraged to see their named GP. 8 people discussed significant barriers to seeing their named GP.