Enter and view: Personal choice within care homes in Bexley

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Summary of report content

Healthwatch Bexley conducted announced Enter and View visits to eight care homes with residential units situated in the north, south and west of the borough, between March and April 2016, to find out how they are being run and make recommendations where there are areas for improvement.

All care homes were contacted prior to the visits so that a suitable day and time could be agreed.

The representatives did a survey based on a structured questionnaire, consisting of 18 questions, with a mix of quantitative and qualitative questions. In total, Healthwatch spoke with 88 residents about their experience of living in their Care home, of which 73% were female and 27% men.

The results of the survey demonstrated that overall, most residents have a positive experience of their care home and feel they have choice and control over their day-to-day environment to a great extent. It further demonstrated that the majority of residents experienced less isolation as a result of moving into a care home and feel supported and safe. However, a number of residents expressed not feeling in control, and having a choice only in some areas, primarily relating to their morning routine, entertainment provided and food choices. Importantly, choice was further perceived as reduced when agency staff were on the wards, particularly in relation to bedtime and morning routines. The survey also highlighted that a large proportion of residents did not go out of the care home unless for hospital appointments or accompanied by a family member, which limits their ability to access community networks and facilities, including access to places of worship.

The residents were asked to describe their life at their care home and how they felt about living there. Four care homes received 100% positive feedback on this question, with three care homes receiving all round positive responses coupled with residents feeling bored and under stimulated. One care home attracted a number of negative responses and comments recorded were ‘It’s terrible here, I am not happy’ and ‘very difficult, little to do, very boring’.

Healthwatch made some recommendations to the providers and to the commissioners.

Each care home received an individual report, which presented the feedback from their residents. One care home responded to Healthwatch, thanking Healthwatch for the visit and the feedback provided. Healthwatch was further invited back for tea in the garden when this is completed.

No other feedback has been received at the time of distribution of this report.

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General details

Local Healthwatch
Healthwatch Bexley
Publication date
Date evidence capture began
Date evidence capture finished
Type of report
Enter and View
Key themes
Access to services
Cleanliness, Hygiene and Infection Control
Communication with patients; treatment explanation; verbal advice
Food, nutrition and catering
Caring, kindness, respect and dignity

Methodology and approach

Was the work undertaken in partnership with another organisation?
Primary research method used
Observation (eg Enter and View)
If an Enter and View methodology was applied, was the visit announced or unannounced?

Details of health and care services included in the report

Details of health and care services included in the report
Care home
Name of service provider

Details of people who shared their views

Number of people who shared their views
Age group
Does this report feature carers?
Not known
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