Review of Healthwatch Warwickshire by Leeds Beckett University

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Summary of report content

Leeds Beckett University conducted a review of the effectiveness of Healthwatch Warwickshire and this report formed part of it.

It was carried out using the framework ("Quality Satements") set out by Healthwatch England, with ratings (both quantitative and qualitative) being given by a range of survey respondents from across the County including commissioners, providers, voluntary, private and statutory sectors. They also used interviews with a set of key decision makers within the health and care system in Warwickshire and a workshop discussion of findings with a group of stakeholders from all sectors.

The key finding was that Healthwatch Warwickshire is generally considered to be an effective local Healthwatch by most local stakeholders across all sectors in the County. Areas where it is considered to be particularly effective include:

• Establishing and managing trusted strategic relationships at county and organisation level.

• Advocating effectively and appropriately for public voice and engagement in relevant committees and boards.

• Producing influential and credible reports based on the experience of the public.

The report does not contain recommendations as such, rather questions that Healthwatch Warwickshire, the local Health and Wellbeing board and Warwickshire County Council should consider, such as:-

Question Healthwatch Warwickshire might consider include:

• does it have a balanced approach with regard to relationships across the County both with regard to the voluntary and community sector and district councils?

• could its current communication strategy be strengthened in order to ensure that it has a greater profile with the public?

Warwickshire County Council may wish to consider:

• whether it has a consistently collaborative relationship with Healthwatch Warwickshire across all of its health and care functions.

• how the Health Overview and Scrutiny function and the Cabinet responsibility for Health and Care could together help Healthwatch Warwickshire be more effective in its role.

The Health and Wellbeing Board may wish to consider reviewing the current provision of health and care advice and information in the county and the specific responsibility of Healthwatch Warwickshire within this context.

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General details

Local Healthwatch
Healthwatch Warwickshire
Publication date
Type of report
Service Evaluation
Key themes

Methodology and approach

Was the work undertaken in partnership with another organisation?
Name(s) of the partner organisation(s)
Leeds Beckett University
Primary research method used
Deliberative event
If an Enter and View methodology was applied, was the visit announced or unannounced?

Details of people who shared their views

Number of people who shared their views
Age group
Not known
Not known
Is the gender identity of people in the report the same as the sex they were assigned at birth?
Not known
Sexual orientation
Not known
Does this report feature carers?
Not known
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