Asthma – Views of Children & Young People in Blackburn with Darwen
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Between May and October 2018, Healthwatch Blackburn with Darwen undertook engagement work focusing on children and young people and parents to explore their views and experiences on the asthma service within the borough. They used community engagement, questionnaires and focus groups designed by a task group, which consisted of young people with lived experiences together with professionals working closely within the NHS. Eighty-five residents engaged in the project.
The report found that the quality of asthma care was predominantly good with participants that were involved in the project, however not all patients were receiving consistent primary care at all surgeries; personal asthma action plans were provided to only 64% of participants; 12% of participants were not shown how to correctly use their inhaler; 79% of participants had their annual asthma review at either their GP surgery or hospital and 21% had not had their review as they were not invited; there was a significant need for schools to incorporate the asthma school policy.
The report made several recommendations for the NHS CCG including update GP training; education around the topic specially instructions upon being discharged from A&E; incorporate Asthma friendly school in Blackburn with Darwen; availability of user-friendly information resource; highlighting importance of action plans for GPs and nurses; young person friendly material available in appropriate places. The CCG responded by saying they have taken all recommendations on board and would take necessary actions.