What does it feel like to be a young person living in Torbay today?

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Summary of report content

Healthwatch Torbay carried out a survey and community engagement events from Spring to Autumn 2018, to explore the experiences of young people (aged 0-25 years) living in Torbay. This work was commissioned by the Children’s Safeguarding Board. The findings from Torbay Children and Young People’s Partnership’s ‘Imagine This’ consultation were also incorporated into this report.

Feedback from the survey, community engagement events and the ‘Imagine This’ consultation identified the same key themes. The best things about living in Torbay included: the environment and local setting, available activities and events; infrastructure, family and friends, the community, and the weather. Social issues were identified as the worst thing about living in Torbay - including issues related to drugs, alcohol and homelessness. Concerns of safety, crime and an increasing gang culture were identified as clear issues faced by young people living in Torbay. Other issues included the environment and setting, specifically litter and levels of plastic in the ocean; a lack of activities suitable and affordable for young people; and inadequate infrastructure including transport, investment and shopping facilities. Concerns about a lack of meaningful organisational responses to issues previously raised were also described. Ways to improve young people’s experience of living in Torbay were identified and included: improving activities; investing in better infrastructure; helping the environment; and addressing social issues.

Recommendations made focused on improving young people’s feelings of safety and positivity towards living in Torbay through: collaborative work between relevant organisations and commissioners and young people; strengthening relationships between young people and local stakeholders; continuing to evaluate and review young people’s experiences; increasing police presence around areas where young people feel unsafe; improving awareness and understanding about gang culture, crime and implications for young people; tackling the route causes of drug and alcohol misuse and homelessness; developing age appropriate, affordable and all-weather activities and providing more safe spaces for young people; and improving the environment and local area by working to reduce litter and plastic in Torbay.

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General details

Local Healthwatch
Healthwatch Torbay
Publication date
Date evidence capture began
Date evidence capture finished
Type of report
Key themes
Lifestyle and wellbeing; wider determinants of health

Methodology and approach

Was the work undertaken in partnership with another organisation?
Primary research method used
Engagement event
If an Enter and View methodology was applied, was the visit announced or unannounced?

Details of health and care services included in the report

Details of health and care services included in the report

Details of people who shared their views

Number of people who shared their views
Age group
Sexual orientation
Not known
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