Community Diagnostic Centre (CDC) workshop to feed into the design
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Healthwatch Coventry worked with University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire (UHCW) to hold a workshop bringing together local people to talk about the design of the new Community Diagnostic Centre for Coventry. This Centre is in its later stage of design.
This session was detailed discussion about signage, wayfinding and welcome to the facility and involved looking at the near final set of plans. Fifteen people attended the session. Ten people completed the evaluation forms and all found the session to be positive and felt listened to.
The workshop produced many ideas for the new centre and examples of what helps and works for different people to help them arrive and use a new health facility. It was agreed by the CDC project lead that this information will be taken away to be used to help with the design of the unit. New issues were raised about car parking, the local road lay out, drop off points, taxi and bus access. Therefore, one action was for the project lead to contact Coventry City Council and other partners about road and transport access.
Healthwatch Coventry will continue to be involved and potential future actions are:
- Running a further session
- Walk throughs of the design
- Healthwatch Coventry Clear Information volunteers feeding into communications about the Centre.