Central West London Healthwatch annual report 16/17

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Summary of report content

Healthwatch Central West London’s annual report 2016/17 outlines some of the ways in which it has made a difference to services and patient experiences in the past year by listening to the voices of the local communities and ensuring their concerns are taken seriously. It lists the priorities for each borough that it represents; Hammersmith & Fulham, Healthwatch Kensington & Chelsea, and Healthwatch Westminster. The report includes highlights from the years work, HW CWL engaged with over 5,800 people on social media, the Dignity Champions have visited nine local services, the team have spoken to 346 people about new NHS plans for health and social care and gained 550 friends of Healthwatch. The report talks about what HW achieved in the last year between the engagement days held and the people they talked/listened to. “I am delighted to be able to speak to Healthwatch in the library – I’m very impressed”. It talks about services visited by the Dignity Champions as part of their enter and view.

The report highlights HW CWL’s contribution in supporting the plans for the STP by surveying how much local people knew about the future health and care plans by the NHS. Reports, engagements and outreach done in each of the three boroughs is detailed in the report covering areas such as social isolation in Kensington & Chelsea, mental heath in Hammersmith & Fulham and care coordination in the City of Westminster. HW CWL helped evaluate and review the state of the PPGs to determine how active they were and to identify the support the needed. Key issues were identified over the year through surveys and research, such as the confusing complaints procedures of providers. The report finishes with the plans for the next year, displays the year end management accounts, and welcomes new volunteers.

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General details

Local Healthwatch
Healthwatch Central West London
Publication date
Date evidence capture began
Date evidence capture finished
Type of report
Annual Report
Key themes
Written information, guidance and publicity

Methodology and approach

Was the work undertaken in partnership with another organisation?
Primary research method used

Details of health and care services included in the report

Details of health and care services included in the report
General Practice (GP)
Urgent primary care, including Urgent Treatment Centres, walk-in care, out of hours GP services, minor injury and treatment centres
Day care centre (social care)
Care home
Services for people with a learning disability
Community Mental Health Team (CMHT) and specialist MH services
Name of service provider
Healhtwatch Central West London

Details of people who shared their views

Number of people who shared their views
Age group
Sexual orientation
Not known
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