Emotional wellbeing of children and young people aged 11 to 19 years old
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Healthwatch Bexley conducted a survey into the emotional health and wellbeing of children aged 11 – 19 years old, between January and May 2017. This work was done following a number of changes to national education policies and a growing trend of young people’s use of social media. The report aims to review how this affects young people’s mental health and wellbeing at a local level. This report follows an earlier survey that was carried out with children aged 8 – 11 years old.
The report identifies a number of key issues: young people commonly experience stress and exam pressures, sleep problems and a lack of interest. Over half of the respondents stated having felt anxious or depressed and 14% admitted to having self-harmed with over half stating they knew of someone who had self-harmed. Having a caring responsibility is a risk factor for poor mental health and one in five young people participating in the survey identify as a carer as well as 52% stating they have a friend or family member they worry about. A significant proportion of young people do not know where to go for help or who to speak to if they feel anxious or depressed.
However, the survey identifies the positive impact peers and social relationships, including family, may have on emotional wellbeing as young people cited that speaking to a family member or friend was their preferred option when feeling anxious or depressed.
The report makes the following recommendations:
Recommendations for schools:
1. Implement strategies and interventions for peer support, as this was identified by young people as a coping strategy when experiencing emotional distress.
2. Appoint a member of staff responsible for emotional wellbeing activities within the school setting.
3. Schools to take appropriate action to identify young carers within their community and ensure appropriate support is in place.
4. Ensure young people know where and how to access help and support when in need, recognising that this may need to be repeated throughout the school year as young people’s emotional wellbeing fluctuates.
5. Promote external mental health services available for young people in Bexley.
6. Provide mental first aid training for key staff.
Recommendations for commissioners:
1. The extent to which young people in this survey experience anxiety, depression and school pressures warrants further exploration, through additional engagement work.
2. Encourage and support schools to ensure local services are promoted and utilised by young people.
3. Ensure emotional wellbeing of young people remain a priority in Bexley