Thrive Kingston : A Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy
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Healthwatch Kingston upon Thames, Kingston Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) and Kingston
Upon Thames Council co-produced a mental health strategy, gathering the views of people with
mental health problems, carers and families.
This work was done as part of an engagement programme to develop a local mental health strategy
for 2017- 2021.
The strategy identifies 5 key priority areas, based on local people’s feedback. They are prevention,
early intervention, community connection, access to support, and joined up care. The strategy outlines
a detailed vision what the local needs are, and how these themes will be delivered in the next 5 years.
An implementation plan for year one focuses on co-production with local people, form an
implementation group for the strategy, work with Thrive London and STPs, continue integrated
working across the Council and CCG, and develop a comprehensive action plan.