Healthwatch Balanced Eating Survey
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Healthwatch Bexley conducted a survey with children in Key Stage 2, Year 3-6, about their eating habits, exercise levels and their perception of health eating, in March 2017. This work was done to inform the Obesity Strategy in Bexley.
The report identifies a number of key issues: generally, children have an understanding of what constitutes a healthy lunch and the 5 a day message. However, only a fifth of children are eating the recommended daily allowance, and less than half of the children meet the recommended guidelines of 60 minutes of physical activity per day. Many children are eating fast food 2-3 times a week. Just under half eating surgery cereals. Nearly a third consuming fizzy drinks/fruit juices every day. Over a third eat treats every day, which is likely to be a contributor to an increase in overweight and obesity.
The report makes the following recommendations:
For schools:
1. Increase opportunity for physical activity during the school day
2. Continue to promote active travel to school
3. Continue to deliver balanced eating messages and the link to concentration at school
For Local Authority and the wider Bexley community:
1. The issues identified in this report are likely to be similar and heightened amongst secondary school children, who travel independently to and from school to a greater extent and thus, is more in control of their food choices. Healthwatch Bexley recommends that the Local authority, in partnership with the Great weight debate, consider commissioning a study to explore this.